Pregnancy Options Counseling & Support Services

Pregnancy Options Counseling & Support Services

Are you or your partner pregnant and feeling overwhelmed and in need of support?
Maine Children's Home (MCH) is here to help you.

Maine Children's Home (MCH) provides caring and supportive licensed professionals to clients who need assistance exploring all options for their unplanned pregnancy, and who need support in making informed decisions that are best for them.

MCH offers pregnancy & birth parent counseling to:

  • Help clarify options
  • Help communicate feelings
  • Provide a safe environment for making choices
  • Provide information to help clients make informed decisions
  • Answer all questions

For other support services for pregnant or parenting people under the age of 25, MCH also offers its Journey Program.

Pregnancy Options Counseling

Clients experiencing unplanned pregnancies are paired with a licensed MCH pro­fessional to provide them with confidential support through the stages of decision-making for their pregnancy.

MCH’s focus is to provide noncoercive support, assistance, and information to aid clients in creating a positive plan that best suits the clients’ needs. If clients find themselves unsure and need support to walk through the choices for their pregnancy, MCH is here with the support they need.

To request more information about Pregnancy Options Counseling, fill out the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a fee for this service?
NO. It’s completely FREE.

Will I be required to tell anyone about my pregnancy with this service?
NO. All of our work is completely confidential.

Do I need to be able to get to your office?
No. We offer flexible services and can either travel or meet virtually.

What if I am unsure about what to do?
Great! You are a perfect person to call us.

Birth Parent Support Services & Options Counseling

Clients who choose to make adoption plans for their unplanned pregnancy are paired with a licensed MCH professional to support them throughout their pregnancy and to walk through each step of making an adoption plan. MCH offers confidential counseling services statewide and free of charge, which gives clients information on all of their rights, including their right to change their plan at anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be involved in selecting an adoptive family for my child?
YES. You decide what level of involvement you want to have in the selection process.

Can I meet the adoptive parents?
YES. If you are interested in meeting the adoptive couple that you selected, you may do so prior to the birth and/or just after the birth.

Will I be able to know how my child is doing throughout the years?
YES. Maine Children’s Home requests that all adoptive parents provide us with annual progress updates on the child until he/she/they reaches the age of 18.

If I am unsure about the plan I chose, can I change my mind?
YES. Most of the people we talk to about adoption haven’t made up their minds when they first contact us. You are entitled to change your mind at any time throughout the adoption process until the Surrender and Release has been signed and the three-day waiting period has passed.

Can my baby go home from the hospital with the adoptive parents?
YES. You may have the option of having your child placed with the adoptive couple upon discharge from the hospital.

Can the birth father be involved in making a plan?
YES. Birth fathers are welcome to be involved in the plan. If you have not told the birth father about the pregnancy, we can help you contact the father and talk with them about your plan, or we can talk to them for you.

Are counseling services available to me after my baby is adopted?
YES. Birth parent counselors will continue to provide counseling services to you and/or the birth father following the adoption if you so desire.

Contact Us

Maine Children’s Home is proud of the caring, professional, and experienced staff on its campus. Feel free to contact MCH using the form below if you have any questions or want more information. For more information on the Pregnancy Options Counseling & Support Services or other services that may be available to you, email or call 207-873-4253.

Information Request Form

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